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Meet the Myths of Graphic Design

by | Jan 21, 2022 | 0 comments

Graphic design has changed from the earth to the skies since it first began. The industry keeps evolving each day, giving us things beyond our imagination. With a shift from print to digital media and now creating a virtual reality [hopefully, not the matrix], it is no surprise that this field awaits us big surprises. But as it keeps evolving, more myths linger around it. We took some common myths and busted them. Once again, we’ve put on our struxbuster caps to debunk myths about Graphic Designing. 

  1. Graphic design is all about making logos:

You cannot fit graphic designing into a single box. Logos, mood boards, colour palettes are all important, but it’s not as simple as saying “mischief managed”, and the work is done. It takes a lot of effort and thinking process to match a brand’s ethos to a visual representation. Considering the intricate process, your logo speaks everything your company is about. So yes, branding and creating a logo is the work of graphic designer’s but don’t mistake it by implying that it’s the only work of graphic designers. 

  1. A graphic designer only works with still images:

Still images don’t still the show anymore. From animated videos, GIFs, bold text graphics, slideshows, infographics, etc., graphics have changed the game, making it impossible to just stick to traditional methods. According to research, slideshows, animated clips, infographics, etc., are five times more engaging than a static post [source]. So why would you stick to static imagery when you can create a simple yet appealing video?

  1. Graphic designing is only for print media:

Graphic designing is only for print mediums, and Monday is the best day of the week. Neither is true. We see graphics everywhere, from youtube channels to giant banners, from multinational companies to small wedding planners. Print media is just one of the mediums we tend to acknowledge. Logo of your favourite shoe company, the design of your favourite Youtuber’s channel, email headers, quirky t-shirts you wear are all examples of graphic design. As a designer, you can be the first to experiment with a brand new product. 

  1. Graphic Designing makes everything ‘pretty’:

We’ve always known that art is subjective, so how can any of us be sure that graphic designers only make designs that are pretty? Everyone has a different eye for art. A simple example can be that some find abstract art aesthetically pleasing while others simply dislike it in their own way. The main objective of graphic design is to deliver a message, create awareness, communicate, or tell a story. The way your audience understands a picture depends on their personal experience. 

  1. Only artistic people can pursue graphic designing:

Out of all the myths, this one has to be our favourite. It’s imperative to have a creative streak and a visual eye for designs, but that doesn’t mean that’s all it takes to be a graphic designer. Just like learning how to make the perfect cup of tea or coffee, this skill can be mastered too.

Graphic Designing cannot be studied as Math and Science, but if you can bring ideas to life by technique and methods, you too can create something magical. Creative people may find it easy to work on artwork, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it too. Using software like Photoshop, Envato, After Effects and learning more about design elements and values are things anyone can learn. All you’ve got to do is START. 

Were you too a victim and living in the deception of these myths? Now that you know the difference between the reality and fiction of Graphic Designing, you can eliminate potential risks and invest in a place that will save you from further trouble. We’ve helped you avoid future mistakes, so now that you realize who’s a reliable source, can we expect your call? 


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